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Windows 7 RC2 build 7200即将发布
具体发布时间是6月11号,Microsoft Connect和主要的合作伙伴都可以拿到这个版本
Windows 7 RC2 Changelog(细心的人回发现和之前713x的改进很相似):
1. You can now add anything to the Taskbar.
2. Icons slightly expand when you hover over them on the taskbar.
3. The System menu is more simplistic, and easier to navigate.
4. You can change the login screen picture through the Personalization menu.
5. The menu/lists that pop up when you right click on things now have the Aero Glass effect.
6. The default icons for Folders have changed to be the transparent blue ones featured a long time ago.
7. The Minimize/Maximize/Exit buttons on the top-right of a window have changed icons, and are a bit smaller than the Vista/7 counterparts.
8. There’s an “Upload” feature for Pictures, files, and videos. If you right-click a file, and click Upload, you can make it automatically upload to a website of your choice. After uploading, a pop-up will appear saying it’s done, and clicking OK will cause the link/download link to the file to appear in the popup box.
9. Spanish, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese unicode(s) and settings are integrated, so one can run foreign apps or use foreign keyboards without changing languages & restarting.
10. Bug fixes and more stability
同时发现有新的build 7225.0.090529,看来和之前预计的RTM(7300)不是很远了:)
Tags:Windows77200 Windows7RC2
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