清爽了!Windows 10创意者更新将删除“全家桶”APP
据悉,Windows 10创意者更新将于今年下半年推送,目前传言其版本号为version 1709,预计最快8月底最迟9月发布。而昨日晚些时候,微软官方发布了即将被移除和弃用的功能名单包括如下:
3D Builder
Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit (EMET)
Outlook Express
Reader app
Reading List
Screen saver functionality in Themes
TCP Offload Engine
Tile Data Layer
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Owner Password Management
IIS 6 Management Compatibility
IIS Digest Authentication
Microsoft Paint
RSA/AES Encryption for IIS
Sync Your Settings
Screen saver functionality in Themes
System Image Backup (SIB) Solution
TLS RC4 Ciphers
Trusted Platform Module (TPM): TPM.msc and TPM RemoteManagement
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Remote Management
Windows Hello for Business deployment that uses System Center Configuration Manager
Windows PowerShell 2.0
至少从弃用来看,可理解为微软松绑了部分“全家桶”APP,弃用则是代表今后不再Windows 10上出现。另外,像阅读和阅读列表之所以去掉,主要是和新的Edge功能重叠,后者对epub和pdf的支持在秋季创意者更新中将越发完善。
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