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苹果发布Mac版OS X Yosemite 10.10.2软件更新
除了发布iOS 8.1.3软件更新以外,苹果公司还在周二面向苹果电视机顶盒用户推出了一个新的“120 Sports”频道,将苹果电视机顶盒3软件升级至7.0.3版本,并发布了Mac版OS X Yosemite 10.10.2软件更新。
OS X更新信息:
- Resolves an issue that might cause Wi-Fi to disconnect
- Resolves an issue that might cause web pages to load slowly
- Fixes an issue that could cause Spotlight to load remote email content when this preference is disabled in Mail
- Improves audio and video sync when using Bluetooth headphones
- Adds the ability to browse iCloud Drive in Time Machine
- Improves VoiceOver speech performance
- Resolves an issue that could cause VoiceOver to echo characters when entering text on a web page
- Addresses an issue that could cause the input method to switch languages unexpectedly
- Improves stability and security in Safari
- OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 Update (554.3 MB)
- OS X Yosemite 10.10.2 Combo Update (840.3 MB)
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